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How to give intramuscular injections؟

Yes you may need my wife or mother to give intramuscular injection for your husband or your children when prescribed by your doctor and do not want to go out each time to take the injection at the health center or something like that
I learned to give intramuscular injections and here are the steps to do so
Wash your hands thoroughly before starting-
    Open the outer shell of the syringe and pull its handle to make sure they are usable
 -If you break the liquid medicine bottle lid and pull the medication into the syringe, and if they are in the form of powder, the powder with water Costume prepared for injection using a syringe
-emptied of air injection well by finger-clicking on the syringe from the outside, until all the air comes out of
-Put a small piece of cotton in alcohol and infertility outer upper part as a decree in the following figure
-Enter the syringe into the muscle horizontally straight and not tend your hand when introduced
-Inject the drug slowly so come and pain does not occur


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